

We are a team of qualified people, pursuing our company goals and strategies with determination and passion.

  • Diego Pelizzari

    General Manager
  • Lorenzo Biscaglia

    Legal Department Manager
  • Christian Martello

    Market Department Manager
  • Luca Nicolini

    Credit Department Manager
  • Leo Nicolussi Paolaz

    Administration and Finance Dept. Manager
  • David Zanolli

    Bolzano Branch Mgr
  • Franca Belli

    Marketing and PR Office Mgr
  • Daniela Clementi

    Human Resource Office Mgr
  • Luciano Dossi

    General Affair and Organization Office Mgr
  • Marco Berteotti

    Systems, Planning and Control Office Manager
  • Massimo Marchesi

    Contracts and Expertise Office Manager

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